lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

The Trip!

Hey all!

I bet you're all missing me already! No? Anyone? Well, besides the fact that I think that I'm pretty much writing this for myself cause no one else will read it, I'll try to put my stories, photos, and just random shit happening to me while I'm in the best city in the world - Buenos Aires.

Ok well as some of you may know, before me and my mum and dad left for Argentina, I've been living in a motel in waitara/mark's house :D We got one of those airport shuttle buses to pick us up from the motel with our 5 suitcases and like 5 carry-ons then take us to the airport. We got there and shortly after I found my fan club had come to say goodbye to me :p (the real die hard fans actually came WITH me, but we cant all be as cool as them). It was mark, cristina, dahiana, celrose + paul (mark's mum and dad), jorge + pina (family friends). First of all thank you ALL for coming, yes, even you mark! It was absolutely MAD seeing you all for one last time at the airport, while even tho it made me a big teary cause my mum kept yacking on and tearing, it was the best. Passing through security, I had to take everything metal off, so pretty much all my bling! We almost missed the plane cause it took me half an hour to take all my bling off! My pants almost fell down cause my belt had to be taken off - due to the request of the female security guards! Anyway, got on the plane and took off to NZ. We were in the middle 4 seats of the row, the best seats to get. But on my left, there was a b-e-a-utiful argentine girl sitting there with... the ugliest guy I have ever seen (besides mark). GODDAMN, me and my family thought to ourselves... fuck... he must be LOADED. Like goddamn, she was kissing a komodo dragon!

ANYWAY... got to NZ airport and we started walking and seeing all the latinos line up for the "Transit" section. We've been traveling through NZ to get to Argentina, countless times, never had we had to line up. So we kept walking. I saw a bin and I thought, perfect place to get rid of the cigar leftover from the night before. So i got rid of it. Then I point out that people walking with us were all Kiwis. So we went back and lined up. Not only did my bag get searched (in which the cigar would of been found and my parents would of killed me), but I was body searched..... TWICE. Ok ok, once, i get it, but i musta been looking hell dodgy cause i was searched once, then 2 meters later (no exaggeration), i was searched again. I was laughing through it, told my mum to take a photo of it but she didnt have the camera ready! Damn!

Anyway, in NZ got food at Burger King, all was good. Then on our way to Buenos Aires, I slept most of the way, even tho i was fucking burning up. It was hell hot, air con in my area must of been broken or something but i would get hot flashes, then back to normal. Watched my iPod and shit, it was fucking good shit. Got to Buenos Aires, an
d theres 2 lines, for Argy's and Tourists (we entered with Australian Passport to get better treatment :D). Huge line for tourists tho! It was hilarious laughing at all the Americans though. They so gonna get raped here. Maybe not literally, but mentally. Anyway, got our bags and headed to the exit where family was waiting. I filmed us exiting and seeing everyone! Definitely gonna youtube that mother fuck for all of you to watch! Then my brothers had rented a big ass 14-seater-style bus/van to take us all to the place we were going to be in for the next few months. Ahhhhh it felt good to be in arg again. The whole trip laughing my head off with my brothers, they were giving me tips on how to survive here - fucking hilarious.

Got to the apartment, nothing special. Few things we had to sort out. All in all, 10 meters from our building there is a football field!!! Its part of some buildings, don't know what it is for tho, looks like a school but not. Wierd. Anyway, later i'll be uploading some photos of everything up until now. Hope you all like and enjoyed my story! Hope theres more to come.

Oh and so far, counted 5 asians and so many hot girls, and these arent the shy and stuck up type that you see on the streets of sydney, these have no problem in checking you out and letting you know they doing it! Well, until next time! If you've read this far then you're a beast!

Oh and to calculate time difference between Syd and Bue, -1 hour then switch AM/PM. So 9 pm over there is 8 am over here. Sero dude lad like take it easy lad.

Pato (en Argentina).

9 comentarios:

janina dijo...

hahahaaha PAT U CHAMP!!!

wat a storrry! and yes i read it that makes me beasty right?? lol =D
(not like i wasnt b4)

anyways u've only been gone like a day so theres not much to tell...everyones pretty good! and were making a new band named "banned" apparently im the guitarist haha...that was luca's idea...pretty lame i kno!

im talking to the freaks now..
grae says "good ridance" mark says "jans a loser" (he was obviously joking) and luca says "learn to skull and drink beer" and now grae is saying "learn how to wash dishes properly" ...were in a big convo its pretty hektik...umm ok theres not much else to say

but sounds like ur having MAD FUN already!! u going away isnt as bad as i thought it would b..everyones pretty positive!

im visiting mark on the weekend so his not lonely and GUESS WAT i booked to get my L's hahah its weird i kno! but i dnt wana do that 120 hours!!!

ok well thats all for now

hook in with some argy girls!! lol

Take care...have fun...and we miss you!


Unknown dijo...

yeh wat she said!!!

oi man want me to sms cris this site? im assuming she duznt use her bebo or myspace

take it easy broski!!!

Pato dijo...

sup BEASTs!!! to mark: nah its alright ill email her dw!

ok thats mark settled.

sup jan!! its a pretty bad story, its more like one of those boring day by day things. ill try to spice it up.

why dont you call the band "cancelled"... altho noone would show up to ur gigs....

oh thats great. im so out of the loop with everyone... :(

yeah its not as bad, good thing everyone is positive about me leaving! feeeling sooo out of it. espesh with shit like the band thing and what everyones saying and shiz. like everyone goes on no prob. anyway.

FIRST WEEK IM GONE and ur already in my/marks area aye? UR GAYYY. argh.

booked ur Ls aye? nice. ur still lazy as a mofo tho!

yeah we dont all have long time family friends that live next door so i can have sex with them, not that ill need that situation tho :)

take care, ill be fine here. have heaps of fun as u sound u already are. and stay positive, seems to be working!


Sarah dijo...

Hiiiii PaT!!!

That was an awesome story, had me smiling the whole time, and i looked at your pic for a while too LOL.. :)

Ur obviously havin fun, haha, all those hot blondes with big boobs, sounds great..

OMG guess wat..??

Me and Jan are planning a road trip for the end of the year cause i'll have my license by then and were gonna go to QLD..


Were taking up soccer, outdoor not indoor (outdoor sooo much betta)..


Were gonna backpack around South America When we finish Tafe and all, as a reward, u and Mark are coming (u dont have a choice) ;)

So that's all i got..
I miss yooh..

Keep us updated cause i wanna read more, and we need to see photos... Mwaaaaahh xxx

janina dijo...

"i looked at ur pic for awhile"

thats kinda stalkerish/ how she watched u sleeping ahahaah jks sarah!

i was looking at the foto of the view from ur appartment....fark i miss that place!!! kiss the ground for me?? LOLLLL and the soccer field is like RIGHT THERE! hehe


Sarah dijo...

ahahaha funny jan!! i thinks thats for pat to decide wether its stalkerish or not!!!

Ahahaha, ur the one that always read all his my space comments and got blocked Lmao!!

I love yooh..

janina dijo...

uhh sarah hunni..i read everyones myspace comments if u havent realised hahah thats how bored i get and hey their there to read! arent they??

Pato dijo...

ladies ladies... theres enough pato to go around... :D

Unknown dijo...

hola!!! pat dont lie.. theres not enough of u 2 go around.. i used to say that 2.. but u hit your limit at like.. 150.. 160 girls a week!... it gets fuckn tiring broski! :D